Carabineers controlling smuggling. In 1927 a cemetery is built to bury people. There were taverns with first need products and some accomodation for sailors.

Conflicts between inhabitants and rowers who were vandals as there wasn´t neither any authority nor health-spriritual assistance except for the mayor and the lighthouse keeper. At the beginning of the 20th century, population reached 100 people.

We still have a hydraulic mill in the southern island and a small temple. There was a wind mill in the southern island and an oyster and locust farm dated from the beginning of 20th century on the lake. The lighthouse makes us think that there were some lighthouse keepers and relatives promoting literacy. Neighbours continued transporting acetylene fuels. In the 60´s there were technicians who move with transport vehicles.

Partridge and rabbit hunting ground. There were some fish contests during the forties, fifties and sixties . Some hitlerian camps and there was a monolyth and a chapel dedicated to the dictator in 1961/1963. It has been demolished.

The afforestation in the fifties with pines, acacias and eucalyptus made the land-farming decrease. Besides, during the fifties and sixties there were a lot of excursionists and people from the islands began to leave them. Taverns were transformed into hostals for hikers who came without any control behaving badly (rubbish, fights, fires). In 1980 they were declared natural park preserving values and controlling the visits. In 2002, Cíes will be integrated in the national park with Ons, Sálvora and Cortegada.

  • Source: PNMTIAG